Aragorn and Faramir - With thanks to Virtuella
Readers are
welcome to save, copy, or distribute these stories in any form they wish, just
as long as I am credited as the author.
If anyone ever wants to borrow an OC or a plot idea from my sub universe please
I have no intention of ever removing my stories from the Net. I feel once I've published them they are for the readers. If I get tired of writing, the stories will stay.
A collection of stories by Linda Hoyland focussing mainly of the adventures and friendship of Aragorn and Faramir, and of their wives and children.
The definitive version of my stories is on this site. I publish on several archives, but if there are any contradictions, the final version is here.
The characters in these stories posted here are the property of the Tolkien Estate and written solely for enjoyment. No profit has been,nor will be made.
These stories do not contain slash,smut, or bad language.
Please consult the "Story Guide" page for ratings and summaries before reading.
The stories are posted in chronological order of the events which occur. Unless otherwise stated, all stories are linked and are intended as part of a continuous whole, including the drabbles.
Readers are welcome to save my stories in any form they wish including creating podfics and saving these stories to e readers, just as long as I am credited as the author.
If anyone ever wants to borrow an OC or a plot idea from my sub universe,do please ask, giving details of what kind of story you wish to write.
Feedback, including concrit is always welcome.

icons. NiRi andEngeleyes

A must read book for all Aragorn fans!
